Creative title, no? I'm a teenage girl who enjoys knitting. A lot. Even more than I love knitting, I love shopping online. Put those two together and you get my bank account laughing at me and lots of yarn and pretty knitting-related stuff. It's pretty great.. the majority of the time.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Part 2: Seeeeeeeeeeee, I tooooold you.

Who wants to guess what I didn't do today...

To any and all who said "take pictures of your knitting like you promised you big, fat jerk" then you were correct. I swear I'll do it tomorrow in my room by the window with the great light. Honestly. I'll have nothing much to do tomorrow between opening presents and making The Big Dinner. (Yes, my family has enlisted the teenager to make Christmas dinner. They're bright.) I'll do it, I swear.

P.S. I'll even get some shots of the now-sewed-up neck warmer. And maybe I'll add some
pics of my Onerva so far.

I looooooooooooove knitting lace or lace-knitting or whatever. I love it and you can't stop me from making all of the lace shawls in the whole world and buying all of the lace yarn in the world and hoarding it in my room, just stroking and petting it for the rest of my life.

(Too bad I still have a harboring passion for simple slouchy hats made out of worsted yarn...)

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About Me

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I love a lot of things. I love Jesus, and I love my friends. I love boys, and I really love to knit. I'm your typical (but not so typical) teenage girl.