Creative title, no? I'm a teenage girl who enjoys knitting. A lot. Even more than I love knitting, I love shopping online. Put those two together and you get my bank account laughing at me and lots of yarn and pretty knitting-related stuff. It's pretty great.. the majority of the time.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm a bad knit-blogger.

I know, I know, I haven't posted in a while. This weeks seems to be packed with stuff.

My mama came home from her vacation with Jim(her boyfriend). My sister, Erin, sent me my birthday presents early: the entire series series of Harry Potter books. (Now all my friends adore her because they're all dorks who worship HP. Me? I like it. I'm about halfway through the second book.)

I got a kitten! Finally! He's a black and white tabby, and I named him Mushu. He's adorable.


I haven't been knitting much. Just not in the mood I suppose. I keep looking at it and decide to read HP instead. I haven't given up on knitting, I promise, I'm just taking a break.

Despite that, I meandered over to and spent about $50 on goods. It always makes me incredibly happy that they sell pretty decent quality yarn for so cheap. I got a few skeins of yarn, 16" circular knitting needles, 2 cable needles, and a copy of Knitting Without Tears by Elizabeth Zimmermann (who I'm told is a genius when it comes to writing knitting books)

Anyways. I don't have any WIPs to show off because they haven't changed, and no FOs. I'm going to work a bit on Serpentina today and get in a couple of rows of the Orange Scarf of D00m.

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About Me

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I love a lot of things. I love Jesus, and I love my friends. I love boys, and I really love to knit. I'm your typical (but not so typical) teenage girl.