Creative title, no? I'm a teenage girl who enjoys knitting. A lot. Even more than I love knitting, I love shopping online. Put those two together and you get my bank account laughing at me and lots of yarn and pretty knitting-related stuff. It's pretty great.. the majority of the time.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I want a sweater.

See, I have this yarn:

That about 1900 yds. of Cascade Ecological Wool in the Latte colorway. Yummy? I know! A sweater's worth (in the land of "Alex frogs her knitting a lot and sacrifices wool, a lot") with plenty more for fuckups.

It is soft and scrumptious, and from what I hear, it softens a lot in the wash. Yum.

Anyway, I've decided I want a cardigan-style sweater. V-neck with a cozy shawl collar. Kind of like this, the Smokin' Jacket from BrooklynTweed.

Or maybe a little more feminine, like the Indigo Playmate from Wendy Bernard.

(Truth be told, I'd probably wear pants with mine. Just sayin'.)

I, haven't never knit a v-neck, top down, raglan sweater was thinking "cool, I'll buy one of these patterns, see how it's put together, and then probably take those numbers and do my own thing". The problem is that they're not for sale online, ohhhh noooooo, they're in books. Does my library carry these books? No. Can I currently afford to buy these books? Not so much. (And am I willing to be patient and wait until I can buy one of these books? Ha! Funny. If you know me at all, you know the answer is no.)

So, like all of my great ideas, I'm improvising. I'm going to knit a swatch and wash it (I'm being reasonable, I'm going to need at least an idea of what I should be doing. No use knitting the perfect sweater if I wash it and it comes out be be 3 ft. too long.) and then I'm going to do The Math and figure out what numbers I'm going to use. I want a fairily deep v-neck, so I think the increases for the neck should be spread out more than the increases for the raglan shaping. Right? It sounds right to me.

This could, potentially, be a terrible idea. Whatcould possiblygowrong?

*a while later*

P.S. I totally said I'd swatch and I DID. Don't believe me? I have proof!

I know, I'm impressed too.


  1. The Wendy Bernard pattern I have..I bought the book, if you want it just shoot me an email and i'll scan it for you and send it to you for nothing :)

  2. i guess u need my

    just put wendy bernard pattern in the subject so i know it's not junk mail :)

  3. Dude, if only I had seen this before I started it! There's nothing to show me you commented until every once in a blue moon I'm on Edit Posts, then it shows up.

    I've decided to just wing it and see how it goes. But at the first sign of distress, I'll be sending you an email :)



About Me

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I love a lot of things. I love Jesus, and I love my friends. I love boys, and I really love to knit. I'm your typical (but not so typical) teenage girl.