Creative title, no? I'm a teenage girl who enjoys knitting. A lot. Even more than I love knitting, I love shopping online. Put those two together and you get my bank account laughing at me and lots of yarn and pretty knitting-related stuff. It's pretty great.. the majority of the time.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Today I Made A List.

1. Buy Lion Brand: Organic Cotton and 16" US size 9 (an size 8) circulars at Joanns.
2. Cast on 66 sts.
3. Work stockinette for a couple inches until I realize the hat looks a bit small.
4. Keep knitting.
5. Notice the bottom edge is developing an unflattering curl.
6. Keep knitting.
7. Realize that this hat is so not going to fit onto my big head.
8. Pull it off the needles and try it on to realize that it will fit my head.
9. Measure that it's 4 sts to the inches, and realize that The Math says it's way too small for my head.
10. Rationalize frogging it by saying how much I hated the curl.
11. After seeing The math, CO 80 sts. to better accommodate my giant head.
12. Knit garter stitch border because garter stitch won't curl.
13. finish border, start with stockinette.
14. Start noticing that this hat is a wee bit big.
15. Keep knitting.
16. Start noticing this hat is actually going to be HUGE.
17. Keep knitting.
18. Start thinking of who has a big enough head to fit in the hat. (Andrew!)
19. Keep knitting a bit more.
20. Notice that the garter stitch border is way bigger than the rest of the hat.
21. Ignore it and continue knitting.
22. Start thinking that this hat is even to big for Andrew's head.
23. Scoff the idea that anything would be too big for Andrew's head.
24. Knit a bit more.
25. Come to term with the fact that this will definitely be too big for Andrew.
26. Decide I can sew elastic into the border, then it will fit! I'm a genius.
27. Keep knitting until I'm almost ready to start decreasing.
28. Start noticing that the border is really ugly.
29. Ignore negative thoughts and keep knitting.
30. Try it on for kicks, and decide that is it completely hideous.
31. Frogged the damn hat for the 2nd time in two days.
32. Decide not to even consider crying, and cast on 80 sts. again.
33. Make sure (multiple times) it isn't twisted before I join the two ends.
34. Start the trusty 2x2 ribbing that is perfect for hats.
35. Remember that I hate doing ribbing.
36. Continue knitting anyways.
37. Start thinking how my ribbing always looks icky and sloppy and bad.
38. Keep knitting anyways.
39. Notice that it looks a bit twisted, but straighten it out.
40. Keep knitting.
41. Notice that it is indeed twisted.
42. Spend 10 minutes trying to untwist it, doesn't work.
43. Violently curse under my breath in the middle of a church service.
44. Take it off the needles and frog it with all my might.
45. Fight the desire to start crying because it should not be this freaking hard.
46. Decide to keep the 80 sts. and cast on tomorrow on size 8 needles for the border.
47. Spends too much time on facebook and blogging about how knitting makes me crazy and come to the conclusion that today just sucks.

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About Me

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I love a lot of things. I love Jesus, and I love my friends. I love boys, and I really love to knit. I'm your typical (but not so typical) teenage girl.